How Can We Help?

The best way to learn Makaton is to attend a workshop. There are a range of workshops available which are designed to meet the level of training that you need; whether you are just starting out, progressing to a more advanced level or aiming to become a Makaton Tutor. Workshops can be provided during the day, evening, and on Saturdays. The maximum number of participants per workshop is 15.

Robinson Makaton Training caters for both Individuals and Organisations.  Scroll down to view our other services.

For more information on any of the workshops, including pricing and availability, get in touch.

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Makaton Taster Session

If you're interested in finding out about Makaton or in simply developing a skill, this is the course for you. All you need is an adequate level of English language literacy to understand the teaching. The course lasts for 2 hours, and you'll get an insight into what Makaton is and who uses it. You'll also learn approximately 30 signs and symbols. Upon completion, you'll receive a certificate of attendance and printed copies of the signs and symbols learnt during the session.

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Level 1 Workshop

If you need to learn Makaton at home or in work to communicate with a family member or colleague, consider attending this course. It is also recommended for participants who need a more detailed knowledge about using and applying Makaton to develop the communication skills of others. The only criteria are an interest in early communication and an adequate level of English language literacy. This is a practical introductory workshop, where you will learn signs and symbols from stages 1 and 2 and some of the Additional stage of the Core Vocabulary. Sessions include discussing commonly asked questions, hints and tips for effective signing and symbol use and how to start using Makaton in everyday situations at home or work.

The workshop comprises of 2 modules; delivered in one full day or 2 x 3 hour sessions delivered on two separate days. You will receive your own manual with the signs and symbols learnt, as well as a certificate of attendance. Please remember to keep your Level 1 training certificate in case you want to attend further Makaton training.

Please note I prefer to deliver Level 1 and Level 2 as a combined workshop to maintain continuity of learning. The total combined teaching is 12 hours delivered as two full days or 4 x 3 hour sessions delivered on four separate days. 

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Level 2 Workshop

This workshop builds on the knowledge gained in Level 1 training and therefore participants should have previously completed a Level 1 workshop. You will learn the signs and symbols from Stages 3 and 4, and the rest of the Additional stage, of the Core Vocabulary. Sessions include research evidence for Makaton and how to begin to teach Makaton to develop the communication skills of others. The workshop comprises of 2 modules; delivered in one full day or 2 x 3 hour sessions delivered on two separate days. You will receive your own manual with the signs and symbols learnt, as well as a certificate of attendance. Please remember to keep your Level 2 training certificate in case you want to attend further Makaton training.

Please note I prefer to deliver Level 1 and Level 2 as a combined workshop to maintain continuity of learning. The total combined teaching is 12 hours delivered as two full days or 4 x 3 hour sessions delivered on four separate days. 

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Level 3 Workshop

This training helps you to improve and develop your signing and symbol skills and how to use them effectively every day. You should have previously completed Level 1 and Level 2. You will revise the signs and symbols you learned in your Level 1 and 2 training, and learn the signs and symbols for Stages 5-8 of the Core Vocabulary. There are currently two possible options at this level:

Follow-up Workshop comprises 4 modules delivered as 2 full days or 4 x 2 hour 45 min sessions delivered on four separate days. You will receive your own manuals with the signs and symbols learnt, as well as a certificate of attendance.

 Enhancement Workshop, which is made up of 6 modules and can be delivered in a number of different ways, for example over 3 days or as 6 x 3 hour sessions delivered over a number of weeks. You will receive 6 workshop manuals, Pocket Book of Signs 2 and Pocket Book of Symbols 2 and a certificate of attendance.

Please note that the Enhancement workshop has an extra day to the Follow-up because it includes additional information such as translation skills using signs and symbols, assessment of users’ needs, adapting communication to suit an individual’s needs and how to develop communication skills. You are only required to attend either the Follow-up or the Enhancement and not both. The Follow-up and Enhancement workshops will be merged into one revised workshop known as Level 3 in 2020.


Additional Services

Attended a workshop and want to keep in touch?

In addition to delivering the recognised Makaton workshops, I am establishing locality-based Makaton Clubs which encourage and support those who have attended a workshop to help put their training into practice. To request one in your area, let me know!

Looking for bespoke training or consultancy?

I also provide additional training and consultancy to those who have already attended a recognised Makaton workshop. This includes sessions for siblings of Makaton users, or particular vocabulary topics, such as Christmas.



Still Searching?

If none of the above workshops fit your need, please get in touch to see how we can work together to create your ideal solution.